Harry Potter Spoof, Day 6

Group shot of the Monty Python crew in 1969

Group shot of the Monty Python crew in 1969 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Now that I have reached chapter 5, I have some new characters to introduce:

  1. Tarcey Pate: the son of Professor Pate, the science teacher. He is known as a bully and is very cruel to Harry.
  2. Junia Brown: another student at Warthogpox High who is a bully. She too is mean to Harry.
  3. Oscar Hernandez: who was created to force diversity into this story.

Chapter 5 contains “cursing“, poorly-worded Monty Python insults, and even Jill acting like a stuck-up brat who sings “don’t rock the boat” like her iPod‘s on replay. If chapter 6 is going to be anything like chapter 5, then I feel sorry for you.